Fabulous pictures from the kids at Whetley Academy!
A brilliant "That's Rubbish!" Cover By Reece aged 7
What a costume! Thanks Archie (and Archie's mum) for this great World Book Day picture!
Suzanne at Lower Fields Primary has written her own Sugar and Blaze story! Suzanne, you are an AMAZING WRITER! Click on the picture above to read this great story.
Suzanne with her own General Red!
A lovely picture of Blaze By Arfa
Grrr! A Brilliant scary litter monster from Grace!
A great Heart Card Comic by Jo!
Great to meet Hannah at world Book Day 🙂 Sugar loved your costume!
That's Rubbish! What a great Caterpillar model from Daniel!
Great Colouring from Hannah!
A great picture of Sugar by Arfa
A lovely picture of Sugar and Tinselpants by Hannah