Hello! Welome to my website. My name's Jenny and I write stories about 2 kids (Jo and Hannah) and their magical toys Sugar and Blaze. Sugar is super loud and sings all the time, Blaze is pretty much scared of everything (except marshmallows), but he's been known to be really brave when he needs to be. The 4 friends have some pretty exciting adventures, which you can read all about.

Hi there!

Hope you like the website. Here are a few facts about me:

1. I live in Yorkshire with my husband and 2 kids.

2. We have 2 guinea pigs called Gingerbread and Candyfloss.

3. When I’m not writing, Sugar, Blaze and I love to visit schools.

4. I used to be a teacher (and a Deputy Head) for 16 YEARS.

5. I write books because I want kids to laugh more and have day dreams about fabulous adventures… why not have one now.

6. I’m old (40 ish) but not very old when you consider that I plan to live to 120 and be the oldest person on Mars!

7. My illustrator is called Luke. I ask him not to draw Jo and Hannah because I want you to imagine them in your own way.

8. My favourite author is Rick Riordan.

9) Nine is my lucky number (and my birthday!) so this seems like a good place to stop.

If you’d like Jenny to visit your school, click here for more information!